Invitation to the Interoperability Summit on 16 September: A VDMA event in cooperation with prostep ivip

The summit brings together experts, managers, and decision makers who are interested in exploring the synergies between different interoperability solutions.

Why should you join us as a participant or exhibitor?

  1. Network: Meet decision-makers in the field of digitalization in production (product and production managers, as well as interoperability cost center managers) and make valuable contacts.
  2. Share knowledge: Share your latest technological advances and solutions for digitalization along the product life cycle with potential customers.
  3. Increase visibility: Take advantage of this opportunity to present your organization, products, and services to an expert audience.

Register now and be there: Click here to register




Fabienne Kreusch

Mail:  fabienne.kreusch(at) 
Mobil: +49 151 20 52 86 79