prostep ivip Web Seminars

One of the association’s major goals is to combine the interests of the manufacturing industry, IT providers and research institutes and to report on the results achieved. Thus, one intention of the association is also to contribute to propagating knowledge in member companies. During the web seminars we present brief and concise information on association results and application possibilities.

Here, you and your colleagues will be able to get information comfortably from your workplaces. 

All you need to join is a pc with internet connection, a web browser with an installed flash player and an installed sound card. If you don’t have a sound card, a parallel conference call will take place, in which you can dial in to join the web seminar.

Web Seminars 2024

Date Project reference Topic Speaker Access
26.01.2024 PSMS How to communicate and integrate entire Project Schedule Management activities Dr. Marcus Krastel (:em), Olaf Kramer (Bosch) also for non-members *
19.04.2024 SSB Working on identifying Collaborative Systems Engineering Standards Dr. Marcus Krastel (:em), Olaf Kramer (Bosch) also for non-members *
17.05.2024   The international usage of the JT Standard Bernd Watzal (Mercedes-Benz), Jochen Boy (PROSTEP) also for Non-members *
7.06.2024 MBx-IF The international usage of the STEP Standard Jochen Boy (PROSTEP AG) und Guillaume Hirel (T-Systems International) also for non-members *
28.06.2024 ReqIF Securing the interoperability of Requirement management tools Bertil Muth (HOOD Group), Marc Lieberenz (PROSTEP) also for non-members *
13.09.2024 SmartSE Easing the cross-company collaboration in simulation-based Systems Engineering Hans-Martin Heinkel (Robert Bosch), Dr. Melanie Kluge (BHC) also for non-members *
27.09.2024 CDT Model-based engineering collaboration in Collaborative Digital Twins Peter Gerber (Schaeffler AG), Dr. Sebastian Schweigert-Recksiek, (:em engineering methods AG) only for members *
18.10.2024 VEC Model-based, cross-company collaboration in the process chain "physical wiring system" Johannes Becker (4Soft), Philipp Kremer (PROSTEP AG)  
Nebenredner: Philipp Kremer (PROSTEP AG)" also for non-members *      
24.10.2024 Functional Data Exchange Integrated process chains in the virtual vehicle development based on FDX Guido Schneider (Peak Solutions), Martin Hagedorn (Mercedes-Benz) only for members *
29.11.2024 Digital Data Package Linking product data in different formats for data exchange Torsten Schmied (PROSTEP), Michael Kirsch (:em) only for members *

Did we catch your interest?

Then, please send an E-Mail to:

Sarah Giese
Tel.: +49 6151 9287-421
Fax: +49 6151 9287-326