Fact Sheet: OpenDRIVE

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hort description/
Transmitted information
  • OpenDRIVE defines a data file format

  • OpenDRIVE specification is currently transferred to ASAM to become a public standard

Normative document
Version / Release state
  • ASAM OpenDRIVE v 1.7.
Release date
  • August 3, 2021
Application scope
  • Description of road networks

  • Driving and Traffic simulation

  • Standardized description format for a detailed and logical structure of complex road networks with static objects

  • Scenario based virtual verification, testing and validation of driver assistance systems and highly automated vehicles

Promoting bodies
  • ASAM
  • ASAM Standard
IT Standard classification
  • Interoperability Standard

  • Integration Standard

Data format
  • Text Format (ASCII/XML)
Additional available resources
Relevant prostep ivip project groups

Positioning of OpenDrive in V-Model


  • OpenDRIVE defines a file format for the precise analytical description of road networks
  • OpenDRIVE files are defined by XML schemata (*.xodr, *.xodrz)
  • The current version (1.4 Rev. H. - released 2015 – ASAM; 1.5 at OpenDRIVE Homepage) of OpenDRIVE is developed, owned and published by VIRES Simulationstechnologie GmbH. The specification is transferred to ASAM to become a public standard (first release expected in 2019).
  • Application areas are
    • Description of road networks
    • Driving simulation
    • Traffic simulation
  • While OpenSCENARIO (Vehicle Maneuver) describes the dynamic content of driving simulation environments, OpenDRIVE describes the static content including OpenCRG (Road Surface Profiles)
  • The description of road geometry includes surface properties, markings, signposting and logical properties such as lane types and directions
  • OpenDRIVE is a key element in PEGASUS project, which defined various initial use cases

Information from https://www.asam.net/standards/detail/opendrive/ and http://www.opendrive.org/

Relevance and Benefit for MBSE

  • OpenDRIVE is a base/core technology for highly automated vehicles
  • The relevance of OpenDRIVE for SE/MBSE is closely related to the relevance of the exchange of simulation models and co-simulations, which both have a very high relevance
  • The benefits of using OpenDRIVE files are
    • open file format
    • tool-independent description of road networks for a simplified exchange between simulators
    • creation of database pools for multi-party projects
    • possibility of custom extensions
    • Established and well managed format since 2006, build from actual user use cases
    • easy importing, exporting, editing and validating of the XML file by simulation tools and content editors