Fact Sheet: Passenger cars - Simulation model classification - Part 1: Vehicle dynamics (ISO 11010-1)

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Short Description/
Transmitted Information
  • A systematic framework that facilitates the definition of the requirements of simulation models for certain applications and driving manoeuvres in a standardized manner, by systematically dividing the vehicle model into model classes and all model classes into different model types, corresponding to various model characteristics and common modelling methods.
Normative document
Version/ Release state
  • International Standard
Release date
  • 2022
Application Scope
  • Vehicle dynamics with regard to advanced driver assistance systems and automated driving (ADAS/AD), with extension possible to further modeling domains.
Promoting Bodies  
  • ISO Standard
IT Standard Classification
  • Interoperability Standard, Integration Standard
Data Format
  • None specified, but can be mapped to formats like STMD/SRMD classifications.
Additional available resources
Relevant prostep ivip project groups Smart Systems Engineering

Positioning of 3MF in V-Model


11010-1 provides a framework and approach to the classification of individual parts of the overall vehicle model into model classes and model types. This approach is applied to vehicle models for driving dynamics as part 1.

The overall approach of ISO 11010 can also be applied and extended for other simulation domains, like ADAS system simulation, which would lead to additional parts of the standard family. Currently initial drafts for further parts are being explored and developed.