prostep ivip White Paper - SmartSE
PDF 34 Seiten
Projektgruppe: SmartSE
Guard Rails for “Simulation Credibility
Standards and Recommendation”
Standards and Recommendation”
This white paper aims to describe a process framework for embedding numerical engineering
simulations in the decision-making process of complex technical products and systems and thus to lay the foundations and guidelines for a "Simulation Credibility Standard and Recommendation" yet to be created. This document is based on the white paper “Simulation-based decision making and release” published in 2021 by the project group Smart Systems Engineering - SmartSE of the prostep ivip Association and goes beyond the contents described therein by describing a possible way to create an international and cross-industry simulation credibility approach. This is intended to create a further basis for joint discussions with international standardization bodies and future standardization activities with regards to "Simulation Credibility Standards and Recommendation”.
simulations in the decision-making process of complex technical products and systems and thus to lay the foundations and guidelines for a "Simulation Credibility Standard and Recommendation" yet to be created. This document is based on the white paper “Simulation-based decision making and release” published in 2021 by the project group Smart Systems Engineering - SmartSE of the prostep ivip Association and goes beyond the contents described therein by describing a possible way to create an international and cross-industry simulation credibility approach. This is intended to create a further basis for joint discussions with international standardization bodies and future standardization activities with regards to "Simulation Credibility Standards and Recommendation”.