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1. JT Benchmark - Short Report

Format: PDF (10 Seiten)

Sprache: EN
Erscheinungsdatum: 2. 2010



Projektgruppe: JT

Der JT Application Benchmark ist ein Projekt des prostep ivip Vereins (PSI) und des Verbandes der Automobilindustrie (VDA). Das Ziel des Benchmarks ist es, die Interoperabilität zwischen den derzeit verfügbaren JT-Anwendungen auf eine faire und objektive Weise zu bewerten und zu verbessern.


The publication of the JT specification as an ISO Publicly Available Specification (PAS 14306) has laid the foundation for giving consideration to JT when designing efficient PLM processes.

The challenges this entails are many. It is up to the users and the responsible management at the companies in question to decide which of the options that JT offers is to be used for which use case. How well JT then actually supports the individual process steps will depend first and foremost on the quality of the data generated.

In order to achieve a greater degree of clarity here, the ProSTEP iViP Association and the Arbeitskreis PLM of the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) have joined forces and conducted a systematic benchmark.

The test criteria for the benchmark were derived from use cases defined by representatives of leading OEMs and suppliers from the automotive and aerospace industries in the ProSTEP iViP / VDA JT Workflow Forum. In addition to the core topics related to the application of JT – visualization and the use of JT in downstream processes – data exchange processes, were, of course also described.

Since those involved saw the greatest need for clarification in classic data exchange scenarios and wanted to test the extent to which they could rely on the systems and translators already in use at their companies to implement the defined use cases, a pragmatic approach was selected for this first benchmark. This document will provide you with a summary of the results of the first ProSTEP iViP / VDA JT Translator Benchmark.


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