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7. JT Benchmark - Long Report

Format: PDF (40 Seiten)

Sprache: EN
Erscheinungsdatum: 20. 3. 2017


Projektgruppe: JT

Der JT Application Benchmark ist ein Projekt des prostep ivip Vereins (PSI) und des Verbandes der Automobilindustrie (VDA). Das Ziel des Benchmarks ist es, die Interoperabilität zwischen den derzeit verfügbaren JT-Anwendungen auf eine faire und objektive Weise zu bewerten und zu verbessern.
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JT Application Benchmark is a project of ProSTEP iViP Association and German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). Aim of the benchmark is the fair capability assessment and improvement of interoperability between currently available JT applications.

It is composed of two independent building blocks: A translation quality benchmark, where interoperability effectiveness of JT translators is examined from CAD to JT and JT to CAD as well as a performance benchmark, where handling efficiency of JT translators and viewing applications is benchmarked.

The focus in translation quality is the correct data exchange of geometry, product structure and metadata from CAD to JT and STEP AP242 XML on the one hand, and from JT and STEP AP242 XML back to CAD on the other.

The performance benchmark measures the time elapsing for converting complex single part models from CAD to JT. It also investigates the efficiency of JT viewing applications on startup, loading, and viewing large and complex assembly files.


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