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STEP AP242 Benchmark - PDM test case - Long Report

Format: PDF (42 pages)

Language: DE
Publication date: 3. 2017


Projectgroup: STEP

Test report for the STEP AP242 Benchmark - PDM test case
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ISO 10303 STEP AP242 is available for the Automotive and Aerospace industries, as well as many other branches of the manufacturing industry, as a unique product standard for Managed model based 3D engineering data interoperability. STEP AP242 has been released as “International Standard” (IS) in August 2014. Multiple COTS applications have been tested by the CAx Implementor Forum and the PDM Implementor Forum.

STEP AP242 applications become increasingly important for CAD and PDM interoperability in the manufacturing industries. This project will allow our communities to reach a status of maturity for these applications. The benchmarking activities are needed to apply quality control to AP242 based implementations.

Therefore, AFNeT and ProSTEP iViP decided to conduct the STEP AP242 Benchmarks and to support the user community that will drive the project, with the support of several industry associations (ASD SSG, GALIA, GIFAS, PFA, VDA) and manufacturers, for getting an independent assessment of COTS STEP AP242 interfaces


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