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1. JT Benchmark - Long Report

Format: PDF (98 pages)

Language: EN
Publication date: 13. 1. 2010


Projectgroup: JT

The JT Application Benchmark is a project of the prostep ivip Association (PSI) and the German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA). The goal of the benchmark is to evaluate and enhance the interoperability between currently available JT applications in a fair and objective way.
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The publication of the JT specification as an ISO Publicly Available Specification (PAS 14306) has laid the foundation for taking the JT format into consideration when designing efficient PLM processes.

The test criteria for the benchmark were derived from use cases defined by representative of leading OEMs and suppliers from the automotive and aerospace industries in the ProSTEP iViP / VDA JT Workflow Forum. Only test criteria that can be satisfied in accordance with ISO PAS 14306 were considered. In addition to the core topics related to the application of JT – visualization and the use of JT in downstream processes – data exchange processes, were, of course also described.

Since those involved saw the greatest need for clarification in classic data exchange scenarios and wanted to test the extent to which they could rely on the systems and converters already in use at their companies to implement the defined use cases, a pragmatic approach was selected for the first benchmark.

This document provides you with the results of the first ProSTEP iViP/VDA JT Translator Benchmark.


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