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CPM Implementation Guideline

Format: PDF (96 pages)

Language: EN
Publication date: 21. 12. 2007


Implementation Guideline for PSI 1-2 "Collaborative Project Management - Data Exchange Model"
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This Implementation Guideline was created to facilitate implementation of the CPM data exchange model for use in cross-enterprise or cross-departmental projects.

This document will help you interpret the standard – Collaborative Project Management” data exchange model (PSI 1-2) – and also provides more detailed information about special requirements in certain application scenarios and the use of objects and their lifecycle during data exchange.

The aim of the CPM recommendations is to allow you to handle the work performed in the type of projects mentioned above in a more goal-oriented manner and thus improve efficiency.

The following basic assumptions are made:

  • Every company uses some kind of project management software independently. This software has been extended to include a CPM component which allows data objects to be created and sent according to the CPM data exchange model.
  • A standard is required for collaboration which defines the objects to be exchanged and describes how this exchange takes place. This standard is extended so that the handling of the prescribed data objects is clearly described and to ensure that the project management software implementations provided by various system vendors remain compatible.
  • This document is intended for system vendors of project management software and IT and/or method labs that provide their departments with the appropriate project engineering/implementations.


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